Tuesday, July 9, 2013


This past week one of my (contemplative) photo assignments carried the theme of "Possibilities".  A second challenge to be taken this upcoming week revolved around "Texture". Both spoke to me in very similar ways. I love texture. Perhaps that is why fiber based art appeals to me. I also love the textures found in everyday life: tree bark, concrete, rocks, peeling paint, rust. It is all quite artistic without trying to be so. Consider this small piece of pottery. Consider its size, its color. Consider its stopper, and the texture it brings to the piece. A study in contrasts: the smooth coolness of the pottery vessel itself and the rough textural look and feel of the stopper. Beauty at its best.

But what of possibilities you ask? Wikipedia defines possibility as:

...the condition or fact of being possible. The Latin origins of the word hint at ability. Possibility also refers to something that "could happen"...

If we consider ability, then this lovely little vessel is in perfect sync with the heavens. It has the ability to hold something, but whether it does or not is at the heart of the question. Deeper still is the question of "should it?". 
Should it hold something, anything at all? Should it be thought of as purely textural, or do we see the possibilities of it being filled with something hidden from the human eye. A hope? A dream? Or, like Pandora's Box, does it hold the possibility to unleash the unexpected, the unwanted. Without opening the vessel, without removing that which closes the possibility from sight one has no idea. Perhaps removing the stopper won't reveal anything of great importance. On the other hand, perhaps it is much like one's life: open (or closed) to the possibilities that surround each and every one of us. Each of us has the ability to find what is possible- if and only if one remains open. Some days may be more difficult than others, but possibilities are truly endless! Open your own personal vessel and discover. Open your heart. Quietly, contemplatively, open your mind. Anything is possible if only one truly seeks.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

"No New Ideas"

While I look for a bit of concentrated time to process a few of the new photos in camera, I will simply tell you to find a bit of time to sit and contemplate this short video. I find it brilliant:


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Simple Reflection

 Every so often, there comes a time when when one feels a need to reverse the direction of their mundane life. A bit of  intrigue. Just a little something provocative, tantalizing, fascinating. 
On the other hand, many times all one truly needs to do is stand quietly and simply reflect. These are the times one learns more about their fundamental nature, their purpose, their essence. Puddles will dry, clouds will part and life will go on as usual. Maybe "mundane" truly is enough after all.